
Archiving Childhood: The 3rd NCRCL Conference

Friday 1 July, 2016

Whitelands Campus, University of Roehampton


The 3rd NCRCL conference celebrates the archive in all its forms and recognizes it as an important aspect of childhood culture. “Archiving Childhood” emerges from a collaborative project reflecting the ongoing research of members of the National Centre for Research in Children’s Literature.Our keynote speaker is Dr Keira Vaclavik, Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London and Co-Director of the Centre for Study of Childhood Culture, who will be presenting on Lewis Carroll’s Alice as style icon and her collaboration with the V&A Museum. The programme showcases innovative research inspired by archives, collections, museums, and libraries around the world.

We will end the conference with a wine reception and a performance by acclaimed singer-songwriter Darren Hayman ( who will also be talking about collecting folk lullabies, musical research projects (including his response to William Morris, one of Whiteland’s most famous associates), and the influence of childhood memories on his work,.

There will be exciting exhibitions and an interactive archive trail to explore during the day.

For updates and glimpses into the archives visit this webpage or follow us on Twitter @archivechild or find us on Facebook


For booking please click here